PricklyPear Media

PricklyPear Media - Web
  Design with Character

After a year of careful planning and nurturing, Prickly Pear Media has established firm roots in Cyprus. Registered in February, 2010 we are ready to help island businesses add brand-able, memorable character to their businesses as well as their websites. Created to improve upon available graphic design solutions in Cyprus, we aspire to continually surpass the expectations of our clients as well as our own goals.

More than a web design company

Prickly Pear Media is a one-stop shop that provides complete graphic and web design solutions, including copy writing services to ensure that your media flawlessly presents your message. We aim to provide the best web and graphic design services in Cyprus - never compromising on quality.

Recognizing the importance of digital marketing for today's businesses, we offer both search engine and social media optimization services. Yet, the real "more" at Prickly Pear Media is our dedication to help our clients excel in every aspect of digital marketing and computing. At our offices in Larnaca, we offer training and support that helps you understand our digital world and every aspect of computing for your business.

Our mission is to show you the easiest, most pleasant way to well-branded web design with unforgettable character.